This Thanksgiving we need your help feeding the hurting and the hungry in Canton, Ga. We want to provide 1000 Thanksgiving meals for families in our area who due to different circumstances might not have one.
The best way to do this is for people like you to commit to purchasing the needed items to provide one full meal. To keep it easy, we have put a supply list below. If you will purchase the meal, we will make sure it gets to a family in need.
All complete meals must be delivered to us by Sunday, November 23rd. You can drop off complete meals to Action Church any time between today and November 22nd.
Through the generous donations of those in our community, Action Church will supply all the turkeys for each meal. Below you will find the items needed to provide a complete Thanksgiving meal to a family in need:
2 boxes of Cornbread mix
1 box Mac-n-Cheese
1 can of cranberry sauce
1 box of stuffing
1 can of green beans
1 can of corn
1 box/package of Instant mashed potatoes
1 packet or can of gravy
1 can of Yams
1 unfrozen dessert item
Please bring all items listed above to Action Church or Cherokee Farmers Market by Sunday 11-22-15.